Digital transformation is a subject that we’ve been talking about for years – however, we’re making only small and shy steps towards including technology in our business.
The recent crisis generated by Covid-19 seems to be pushing us from behind to make decisions that we keep postponing for our businesses, our employees , our clients or ourselves.
A report released by KPMG at the end of 2019 shows that in Romania, the development of digitalization has a positive impact for most of the companies, especially in matters related to the customer experience.
We think that this pandemic crisis accelerates digital transformation also in areas such as employer branding, e-learning, health and business development & automation.
Here are some extra information about the changes, based on the areas mentioned above:
1. Working from home is now a must
Even if this is a challenging time for everyone, lots of us seek the opportunity in disruption – working remotely is one important digital transformation that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
People use now more than ever tools for video conferences (Zoom’s daily active users jumped from 10 million to over 200 million in 3 months) and this period will fundamentally change the way people meet around the globe for work.
Remote work comes with developing a new set of skills and benefits, besides digital literacy, such as:
- building empathy and compassion
- as an employer, you cultivate genuine openness for flexibility in your team
- as an employee, you have more time to focus on enriching activities that bring you joy
- WFH also breeds creativity with more perspectives and ideas.
2. E-learning is getting popular fast
Schools and training centres from all around the world are already offering virtual learning options in view of the current situation – some even for free.
Teachers can now use virtual classrooms to teach from home with all necessary tools at their disposal. They offer a great deal of content, interaction, reinforcement, and real-time feedback during virtual sessions and the students are more engaged.
3. Telehealth is helping more than ever
The COVID-19 outbreak forced public health officials to push healthcare systems and expand their telemedicine through smartphones and other tools.
This prevents people from over-populating the hospitals and it helps in trialing patients and in diagnosing those without the illness.
4. Digital transition brings business continuity
Businesses are facing the looming prospect of reduced productivity or even staff retrenchment. The key focus now is to improve productivity and reduce time wasted on repetitive administrative work – this is where digital automation gets involved.
Most of the businesses choose to automate for improved productivity – they have built websites from scratch or improved the current ones, launch new online products or even engage in other new services such as delivery.
The ability to automate tasks is an important aspect of digital transformation.
The ability to innovate is what has driven humans for millennia – that’s what us, at Frozenlogic, have as core vision.
COVID-19 has accelerated the use of technology in different areas making digital transformation a must for every business that wants to go forward with it’s activity.
As specialists, we advise companies with many processes to take advantage of this ”break” and focus on digital transformation, choosing the right tools to switch and accelerate the processes through technology.